About Central Office
Regular office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Thursday, and 7:30am to 3:30pm on Fridays.
During the summer the office are 7:30am - 3:30pm, Monday through Thursday, closed on Fridays.
The following individuals offices are located in the Central Office, 419 South Elizabeth Street.
Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty, Superintendent
Dr. Anthony Brazouski, Director of Business Services
Kannan Heath, Director of Technology
Dr. Lanora Heim, Director of Pupil Services
David Friend, Director of Buildings and Grounds
Dr. Terilyn Robles, Director of Teaching and Learning
Melania Argueta Borchert, Multilingual Services Coordinator
Justin Sdano, IT Manager
Sean McKenzie, Student Data Administrator
Administrative Professionals
Lexey Peetz, Special Education/Pupil Services
Amanda Morkved, Payroll
Amber Barnes, Accounts Payable Clerk and Administrative Assistant for Buildings and Grounds
Christine Dodge, Administrative Professional to the Superintendent/School Board Secretary
Angel Van Daele, Curriculum/Data Management
Traci Plotz, Business Services Associate
Ashley Deininger, Technology Integrator
Cody Garthwaite, Support Technician
Dustin Jones, Support Technician
Other Personnel
Jorge Islas Martinez, Bilingual Liaison
Cory Bunger, District Courier
The focus of all Central Office personnel is to provide customer service to the public and serve the district's five schools and K-12 programs in a manner that will improve student achievement, enhance classroom instruction, and ensure alignment of school board policies with school and teaching practices. As an outgrowth of the District's strategic planning process, major initiatives are being advanced to improve student achievement and student equity, as well as to engage the community in ways that will reinforce a community education philosophy. A long-range technology plan continues to guide technology purchases and integration of technology into the instructional program, and comprehensive efforts are being made to align the curriculum and student assessment practices with state standards.
419 S. Elizabeth Street
Whitewater, WI 53190
Main Phone Number 262-472-8700
Fax Number: 262-472-8710