Members of Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG), an association of retired female educators, was treated to a presentation tonight in the high school library from the school district's K-12 robotics teams.
The FIRST Lego League (FLL) teams from Washington, Lincoln, and Lakeview Elementary started the presentation with an overview of their program and a demonstration of their Spike Prime robots.
Next, members of the high school FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team Ferradermis discussed their season and demonstrated their newest swerve drive robot. After the presentation, members of the FLL teams as well as members of DKG took time to check out the high school's new robotics workspace.
The teams would like to thank the members of DKG for their continued support.
The middle school is also running an FLL team this year, so FIRST Robotics is active in all 5 WUSD school buildings.