Group of students

Last Wednesday, May 1st, Adelante students walked to UWW for a tour and student panel! Students were able to walk through campus with bilingual tour guides and then had the opportunity to talk to a student panel of Latina UWW students. The UWW students shared their experiences of Higher Education as Latinas. One being a WUSD Alumni! Our ADELANTE students were able to relate to UWW students as many will also be first-generation students. Students were able to share cultural and family experiences and it was truly valuable insight to see what the future can look like! Students were then able to eat on campus and truly see what all UWW has! It is truly an honor to have a university right in our backyard! Afterward, we walked to Starin Park and enjoyed a lovely day outside of playing on the playground, traditional latino games, and soccer! It was a day of enjoying everything Whitewater has to offer! Students at UWWStudents @ UWWStudents UWWStudents at UWWStudents UWWStudents UWW